Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I forget each year how difficult it is to run in the heat and humidity. Last night's group run was the first extremely hot run for me and I felt it. Things started off well at 7:00 pace with Ian, Kevin and new guy that has an interesting name that I can't exactly remember. However, by the time we hit the turn around my legs were yelling at me to ease off the pace. What is the hurry on evening like this?

I listened and the return trip was a gradual slow down. I finished up with Craig somewhere in the neighborhood of 8:30 pace, soaking wet with sweat and glad it was over. 5 miles in 37 minutes.

This morning I wanted to beat the heat on another day that is supposed to be unbearable. I got my ass out of bed with Heather who was heading to work and was out the door a little before 6:00. I stepped into a mess of humidity that had me thinking I better leave the iPod at home for fear of ruining it with sweat. Of course I didn't heed this mental warning and again had to play the game of keeping my iPod hand dry on the quickly disappearing dry patches of clothes.
After about 5 miles this became pointless as my shirt and shorts were soaked through.

Things started of slowly as I have noticed they tend to do in the morning but after a couple miles I was feeling good and the pace dropped down into the low 7's. I ran out to Valley Green and back for 8 miles in 61 minutes.

I am now at work trying to catch up on lost fluids. Summer running really is a battle against dehydration.

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