Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Back from Seattle and sitting at my desk, a place I really don't feel like being this morning.
Heather and I went out there for her brother's wedding and it went well despite the weather which was cloudy, cool, and mostly rainy. It was exacty how the east coast pictures Seattle but Heather swears that this weather is not typical for July, in fact it was one of the rainiest July weekends they have had. I am suspicous.

I didn't get in as much running as I would have liked. I snuck in 9-10 miles through the Wissahickon before we left Thurdsay evening. I ran a 5 mile loop near her parents house on Friday and Sunday. The loop has one killer hill in the first 2 miles and the remainder rolls along through the evergreens. I took the loop at much harder pace on the second go round and really pounded out the last 2 miles trying to get under 35 minutes.

Everything seemed fine Sunday night but when we got to the airport on Monday morning I had a tender spot on my right heel, just in front of the ball of my foot on the left side. I didn't think much of it and had forgotten about it after flying for 6 hour but it was back as soon as we walked off of the plane.

I scrapped the run I was going to do last night but this morning it was exactly the same, a sharp pain when I rest my weight on it and it aches for a while after I walk on it. Right now I definitly cannot run on it so I will take tonight off too. I plan on icing it this evening and seeing how it feels tomorrow.

I have a bad feeling about it, the pain isn't bad but it just feels different that aches I've had in the past. I hope I am wrong, it's not the best way to start the first week of marathon training.


jim said...

careful...my stress fracture started as pain on the bottom of my foot in front of the heel. Watch out for that sucker...

ian said...

Jeez. I hope everything is alright. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.