Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I haven't run since Thursday and I have no plans to run this evening or tomorrow evening, a full week. Looking back over my running log that is the largest gap since the end of December 2005, where I missed 8 days in a row and if I make through the weekend without a run it will be the longest gap since I've started my running log in May of 2004.

I did however play 3 hours of tennis in two sessions. I guess I can't really call it playing tennis more like learning tennis since it was my first time with a racket. I'm not to good, yet. I've also biked 25 miles, played about an hour of ultimate Frisbee, and body surfed waves for an hour in the Atlantic, which is still fairly cold in mid-June.

All this non running exercise has added up to make me very sore. My hip is aching, and most of my upper body is tight and sore. (Is the fact that I am almost 31 making more sore than I have been in the past after this stuff?) It's amazing how in shape you can be while running but still kind of be out of shape overall. My body really isn't used to anything but putting one foot in front of the other.

I am thinking a couple weeks off from running may be just what I need to make a decision about a fall marathon. I am not expecting a decision to suddenly appear in my head, I am really just wondering how much I'll miss getting out on the road when I don't do it regularly for a little while.


seebo said...

Almost 31, huh? Perhaps you should consider shuffleboard.

ian said...

I played tennis once or twice a week for about a month a couple years ago, and it just destroyed my knees. I'd never had a problem with them before, and I haven't since this little foray made me swear off tennis forever.

By the way, I did a push-up on Saturday and I'm still hurting.