Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Rain

Tuesday night was a DNR. I was to lazy to get out of bed in the morning and I arrived home from class at 8:00 pm on a cold rainy evening. My stomach was growling and who was I to protest so I decided to take a day off.

Wednesday morning I was again to lazy to get out of bed and when I arrived home from school at 7:00 it was still raining but this time it was a warm spring rain. The kind that you can run through in shorts and shortsleeves, the kind I don't mind. Heather had the same idea and joined me for a run.

To be truthful I really felt like running alone. The plan was to get home, get right back out, bang out an 8 mile loop in a about an hour and just get things over with as quickly as I could. But I couldn't really protest when Heather asked, especially on a rainy evening and Heather doesn't really know the loop very well. So instead of 7:30 pace, it 9:00 pace. My legs were thanking me but my mind was itching to pick things up.

7.2 miles in 65 minutes.

The good thing is that the run left my legs fresh for a harder workout and few extra miles tonight.


seebo said...

Welcome back, good to have you posting again.

jim said...

haha - I did the exact same thing. Got home Tuesday night, heard the rain hitting the roof while I was getting dressed, and bagged it. Guilt got me out of bed early Wednesday morning and I felt much better. Sometimes it's OK to let the weather win ;)