Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The extra daylight from DST allows me to take it into the park on my evening runs and that is just what I did last night. The hamstring all the way up on my right leg is tight and sore making me glad that I am tapering because I wouldn’t run hard on it. I’m not really sure why it is sore. My mileage is down and I don’t remember a sudden event on any of the runs. I told Heather I blame it on the extra stretching I did on Saturday’s long run. She rolled her eyes.

In any case it is no big woop, I’ve had the same problem in the past and it passes with easy runs. In fact, yesterday’s run seemed to loosen it up and it feels better today. 5+ miles in 40 minutes.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the weather forecast for the race, seeing how it changes as we approach the big day. This is what I’ve seen so far. First number is the low the evening before and second number is the high the day of the race. It’s funny to see the changes.

28:47, 38:61, 33:52, 36:56, and today the forecast is 43:54. The temperatures vary but the partly sunny forecast persists. We’ll see what race day brings.

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