Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I had thoughts of sticking to the training program I detailed last few posts from now until September and then seeing what happens in the Philly Distance Run. To do this I would have to avoid moutain bike rides and wisshickon trail races over the summer Also, Heather is due in late August and I really I don't know what that is going to mean in terms of time for running and sleeping. I can guess what things are going to be like but in reality I have no idea. All of late August and into the fall just seems a little up in the air until Heather, the baby and I hopefully get into a new routine. I don't want to have to think about training and racing then.

So I think I'll put this off until late December. School should be finished (Praise the Lord!) and what the hell is there to do in the winter but run miles anyhow. I can totally geek out with my heart rate monitor, schedules, and evaluation runs then. For now I am just going to enjoy the summer and do whatever I do or don't feel like doing. Last night that meant run a slow 6.5 miles around Chestnut Hill.

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