Saturday, February 05, 2011

After a week with only one run due to a nasty head cold I was eager to wake up at 6:00 for a Saturday morning run with the group. The weekend runs have been following an intermediate half-marathon training program leading up to the Mercer half in early March. Today called for a 5 or 10K race in the area so the guy who leads the group offered either one lap around Green Lake (3.2 miles) or two laps.

Took the first lap at an easy pace with a couple new guys, one of which dropped off for water after we completed the lap. The second guy asked if I'd like to pick up the pace and we slowly accelerated through the lap. Turns out he is a Biology teacher in Tacoma and he also coaches the cross-country team. He must be working out with the kids because I got a strong feeling he could have easily dropped me.

In the last mile or so the easy conversation we'd been having ended as we concentrated on holding pace. I'd call it 5K effort over the last mile and we averaged 6:20 pace for the lap which included a stop to tie a shoe. Cooled down with 2 miles. A great way to start the weekend.

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