Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Marathon Training

It is finally the official start of marathon training for Philly in November. I planned an early July start but due to several reasons it wasn't a great July for mileage or training. I am jumping in at week 14 of an 18 week program. The first week looks a little daunting but I should be able to manage the mileage despite missing the first 4 weeks of build-up.

The plan looks like this for teh first few weeks.

M- Rest or XT
T- some type of speed
W- moderate long
T- recovery
F - Moderately long but usually less than Wend
S - Recovery
Sun - Long run. (I'll probably juggle the schedule at the end of the week as I normally do my long runs on Saturday.)

I took Monday off as planned. I hope to swim as XT on Monday but not this week.

Tuesday was 9 miles with 10 x 100m strides. I've never gone out for a stride workout so I looked up what to do.

A 30-45 second pickup at 5K to mile pace then slow back to easy pace. A long recovery and repeat. The recovery can be as long as needed because you don't want to go anerobic. The workout is meant help with form and get your body used to the mechanics of a faster pace.

I headed out on Forbidden Drive and ran my first stride after about 20 easy minutes. 40 secs fast, slow down to easy, 2-4 minute recovery and repeat. I think I ran the first few a little to fast but I was soon right on pace. It wasn't the easiest workout but not as tough as a tempo or track workout.

My hamstrings were a little tight towards the end and after finishing but it was a good workout.

9+ miles in 66 minutes.

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