Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Here We Go

My first post. I am not really sure if I will post this link for anyone to read for a while. I always feel that my writing, spelling, and grammar are horrible but maybe I will get comfortable with it. Since I haven't run yet today I will talk about my run from yesterday morning.

Decided to give morning running a shot. With a new work location and a shorter commute I now have time in the morning to get in a decent run. This will open up nights for friends and family, it will also give me a better shot at logging more miles each week. My plan as of now is to run Monday and Thursday mornings. Eventually I may run more mornings but I'll have to see how it goes.

The alarm went off ar 5:45 and at first I thought "No way in hell." but I was able to get out of bed, get a cup of coffee, a gronola bar and roll out the door. My plan was 5 mile at an easy pace and that is exactly what happened. Down my hill to Manayunk Ave., wound my way down to Main Street, and I followed to Umbria st. Took Umbria to the Domino Diner and returned on pretty much the same route. 39 minutes meaning an easy 7:40 pace. This being my first morning run I was curious to see how I would feel and what I would see as far as people and other runners.

I felt good from the first step. It was a warm morning for early January and I had Radiohead going on my iPod so all was good. I am not really sure what I expected but it felt like just another run to me. I was comfortable and relaxed, I enjoyed the pace and kept my eye on the horizon for the sun. The sky did lighten a good bit by the time I returned at 7:00 but no sun. It should be nice to see it coming up earlier and earlier as the winter progresses.

I saw several people walking their dogs and one other runner along Main street. That was about it. The mornings are different then evening runs in that the streets feel more like your own. There aren't many people out, especially running, and you feel a little better about yourself for geting your ass out of bed and getting it done. I think and hope that these morning runs turn into a habit. Maybe this blog will turn into a habit too, who knows.

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