Friday, January 13, 2006

In Reverse

Often a run is started in the PR group on Thursday night and one person picks a route. Last night I chose a route that was pretty much the opposite of the Tuesday night route. Started up Lemon Hill over Girard, Lansdowne, Belmont, Monygomery, Belmont Mansion Drive, George's Hill, back down Lansdowne to West River and ending back in front of the Art Museum. It was Chem Steve, Jenn, Russ, Elizabeth and I. Another great run like Tueday night. The weather has been unbelievably warm for January and it continued last night. It's crazy that at 6:30 on a Saturday night in mid-January I can start a run in shorts and shortsleeves.

My running has started to come back into form after a couple nights off and it was nice to just cruise along at 8m/m and talk to some friends. A lot of discussion about spring and winter runs and what everybody was planning to do. On my plate is the Caesar Rodney 1/2 Marathon in Wilimington the middle of March. Also the Ugly Mudder, an incredibly difficult 7 mile trail run out by Reading at the end of Februaury. Shoudl be fun. Gotta keep up those miles so I can solidly break 1:30 in the half-marathon.

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