Friday, August 24, 2007

I was nervous about my planned 14 miles last night. I ran 10 on Tuesday and the track meet on Wednesday night, I had a feeling that my legs weren't really going to be up for the mileage. The plan was to run down to the Art Museum and meet the Thursday night group, run back towards my house with them and then Deirdre and I would continue into Roxborough and home while the rest of the group turned around.

I took the first 5 miles to the Art Museum at an easy pace but felt fairly good. The miles were going by more quickly than expected. At the Art Museum were Devon, Ian, Seebo and Deirdre. We set off back the way I had come and Seebo took off on a tempo workout, Ian turned around after 15 minutes on post workout cooldown and that left Devon, Deidre and I to take it up Kelly Drive. I felt surprisingly good and before I knew Deirdre and I were back where I had started.

I passed my street and continued on down Main Street to Green Lane where we made a right up a horrible hill. We took it at pace that was just fast enough to be considering "running" and I took a right at the top and back to home, Deirdre continued on.

13.3 miles in 1:37.

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