Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tired Legs

My morning running plans did not work (meaning I couldn't get my ass out of bed) on Tuesday and I decided to wait until the sun went down to run. I took an easy route through Roxborough at a very relaxed pace. It was humid and hot but the slow going made things bearable. My legs were still very much remembering the race on Saturday. 5.8 miles in 47 minutes.

My mind was up for some speed on Wednesday night and my legs were forced to come along despite their whining. Heather and I took a very slow run over to Roxborough Track for a few intervals. My plan was to run 3x1 mile at 6:20 pace with as much recovery as I wanted in between. 6:20 is the high end of tempo pace, I wasn't looking for a real interval workout just trying to wake my legs up.

It was horribly humid and hot even though the sun had set. I took off on the first mile and miscalculated thinking I needed to run 80 second laps. I expected the pace to feel harder than normal but not this hard. After two laps and 2:45 on my watch I realized my error and slowed down to a more manageable pace and finished the first mile in 6:02.

400 recovery and then ran the second interval in 6:12, felt decent despite sore legs. 200 recovery and then a 6:18. The second two miles came more easily than I expected and gave me confidence that I'd be able to sustain 6:10 pace on tempo runs of 3-5 miles. Total 7+ miles in 58 minutes.

This morning I got up to meet Lee for 5 easy miles in the Wissahickon. Didn't feel great but after a couple miles things loosened up. 5+ miles in 41 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

m' names alma
i am a high skool student
i have always been lazy
but always wanted to have a medal from a race
now i've finally got into a race
but i run short of breath and i feel sufforcated
before i complete 100 metres
i feel so down
there r 7 more days 4 the race
and i'm doomed
i have lost hope
i dunno y i'm commenting my prob on u'r page
try to help me out ppl
by da way the race is on 13th december 2007