Monday, December 10, 2007

Jingle Bell 5K

A trip out to Malvern, PA Sunday morning for the Jingle Bell Run , 5K. The race benefits arthritis and the company I work for is a sponsor so we have a large turn out. The morning was cold and damp but luckily the rain held off, race conditions were good. I told myself I wasn't really going to race it but I found myself near the front and feeling good after a 1/4 mile so I just went with it.

I was in sixth place after the 1st mile in 5:45. I couldn't believe how good I was feeling. I passed one runner and fell in behind the number 4 guy. It was a beautiful course along rolling hills and I just relaxed and enjoyed the race. I came even with the guy ahead of me and we exchanged a few friendly words before I slowly started pulling ahead. Not trying to force it, just cruising along. Mile two in 5:45. At this point I am thinking about a sub 18:00 but I quickly realized why the first 1.5 miles felt so good, the second half of the course was generally uphill back to the start

I ran mile 3 in 6:05 and came across the line in 18:15 for 4th place, a decent race.

So now I am up to 6 runs in 3 weeks. I have also been going to the gym and there are a couple good swims mixed in there but I really need to get into a more regular running schedule again. So I am going to shoot for 35 miles/week with one speed workout. on the track or at tempo pace, and at least on run in the double digits.

1 comment:

seebo said...

No wonder you schooled me on the Drives last night. Good run for the off-season.