Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tuesday Night

For the first time in a long time I joined the group for a Tuesday night run. It was nice to catch up with a few friends. Most of the 5 mile out and back was run with Steve, new guy Rob, and Kevin. A nice run that was hampered by a stomach cramp caused by to many Clementines prior to the run. I am addicted to the sweet little citrus, and I look forward to their arrival in the produce section every year in the late fall. December has been colder than normal so far this year and we were treated to some light snow during the run that didn't amount to much but could be seen blowing along the street in the headlights of the passing cars. 5 miles in 36 minutes.


Kevin said...

Silas and I split 7 clementines in one sitting the other day. Pretty much even.

Mike said...

I try to get in one evening social run a week if I can, just to let the other runners in town know I'm still alive.