Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sky Blue Sky

I had a few things to take care of after work and I didn't end up running last night until almost 7:30. I hate getting out the door this late as I know I won't be eating dinner till nearly 9:00 and after that it will nearly be time to hit the bed. To say I was reluctant to head out the door would be an understatement. Not being able to find my gloves was almost all the excuse I needed but at the last second I found them and out the door I went.

Heather asked me before leaving "Where are you going?"... "I don't know."... "How long are running?"... "I don't know." I got to the sidewalk out front and decided to go right instead of left. I made my way out on a Roxborough Loop. Generally up Ridge Avenue without ever actually running on Ridge Avenue, just running across as I stick to quieter streets that parallel.

I felt good. It was cool but humid, my favortie running weather. This is a very neighborhood run and I was treated to 1000's of Christmas lights lining the route. I had Wilco's "Sky Blue Sky" on the iPod and I kind of lost myself in a great album. Before I knew I was just about home and the album had ended. 7 miles in 52 minutes.

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