Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I start most runs by wondering what I want to listen to on my iPod. Five years ago this search would start in front my CD rack but now it begins with the twirl of a little wheel. Once in a while I have an album in mind, sometimes I search until something strikes my fancy and other times I'll try to find an album that matches my mood. Slow and mellow or fast and loud. Today it was Pisces Iscariot by the Smashing Pumpkins, I have not listened to this one in a while. This album came out in 1994 and brought me right back to my freshman year of college. I realized I could actually remember where and when I bought the CD. It pulled out many other memories as well.

The run started slow and a little stiff but after 4 miles things smoothed out and I settled into a nice pace. I think Philly is in the last burst of warmth before the cooler weather really takes hold and I built up a good almost summer like sweat by the end of the run. 7 miles in some unknown time because I forgot to restart my watch at 37 minutes.

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