Saturday, December 06, 2008

Two good runs to report:

Friday night after work I headed out for an 8.5 mile loop around CH. Mile goal was to finish in an hour so I had to hustle. Started with an easy 1.5 miles and the surged for about 1 mile, slow again for 1 mile and surged again. I felt great and was having a hard time holding back on the easy portions, just tons of pep in my legs. I ran the final 2.5 at tempo pace and finished in 58 minutes. After almost a year I'm picking up the nooks and crannies of this loop, every bump, hill and house getting burned into my memory. I also know many of the distances between points in the run which allow me to gauge how fast I'm going.

This morning I met Lee at the top of Forbidden Drive for a long loop on a cold but calm morning. I ran a very similar loop with Seebo and Deirdre in the opposite direction several weeks back. This run was very similar to that, easy pace and almost relaxing. My legs were fresher than expected and felt like I had finished an 8 mile run rather than 15 miles run when we stopped. 15.6 miles in 2:05.

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