Sunday, November 04, 2007

Wrapping Things Up

This morning, the final long run of Philly marathon training. 17.6 miles starting with a trip up Wissahickon Park followed by a loop through Montgomery County and then a winding route through Chesnut Hill to home. The first 6 miles were flat but after that it was all rolling. The only large hills were Germantown Avenue from Northwest to Sunset ave. A long uphill that never gets to steep but keeps a steady incline that makes you work for the top. At the end was long dowhill on Shurs Lane from Ridge avenue to Main Street.
The longer this run went the better I felt. Towards the end I really wanted to drop the pace and see what I could do over the last few miles but I held back. I was content with the fact that I was feeling the urge to accelerate, I'll hopefully save any bursts of speed for the marathon. 17.6 miles in 2:10.

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