Friday, April 06, 2007

Falling into Place

Joined the Thursday nighters for a windy and flurry filled run through Fairmount Park. Definitely cold for April but it felt good as Ian, Jim, KJ, Ben, Alex and I made our way behind the zoo and over to Fairmount Park. A few people dropped off until it was just KJ, Ian and I. Then Kev had an extended stop with Silas on Belmont Mansion and it was just Ian and I to wrap it up on the MLK.

We both were looking to get in some speed for the last 2.5 to the Art Museum. I kicked it up to 6:00 pace and Ian pulled away at a much quicker pace. Hit a 5:58 for the first mile and a 6:10 for the second. I felt controlled and relaxed for both miles despite the pace. A good sign that I am recovering and that things are falling into place for the marathon. Wrapped it up at the Art Museum, Ian headed home and I headed up the steps a cool down lap around the museum. About 8 miles in about an hour.

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