Monday, April 09, 2007

Getting My Taper On

With only a week to go until race day I am in the heart of tapering. No run Friday, 9.5 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. A very easy weekend.

Saturday morning I joined the group to go around the loop. Ran easy pace for the first 6 miles and chatted with Kev, Rob and new guy Andrew. The miles were around 7:50 pace and my legs felt great. Once we got to the St. Joe's Boathouse I pick things up to marathon pace and comfortably cruised to the finish at the Art Museum. A half mile before and after the group run gave me to 9.5 miles in 70 minutes.

I enjoyed one of the many bonuses of running with a group on Saturday night. A team that one of the Philly runners put together, won a 5K back in September and we enjoyed the spoils from that win. A dinner for 10 at the Fountain Room Restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel. Five courses of good food, good wine and good friends. My first experience at a restaurant of that caliber and I enjoyed every minute of it. I just hope that the team needs me as a replacement this year too.

Friday was 6 easy miles in the Wissahickon. I didn't even glance at my watch until I finished. 6 miles in 46 minutes.

1 comment:

ian said...

Can't believe it's already race week! Charge up, man. You're going to have a brilliant day out there.