Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Trails

I didn't run yesterday and due to a hectic work schedule and other obligations I won't be running tomorrow so I made sure today counted. The goal was to kick my ass up and down the trails of Wissahickon Park. I set out on a torturous route that combined the hilliest trails I could think of to get me from my house, through the park to Bells Mill Road and back. Temps were in the upper 70's and humid and for first time this year I set out with a full bottle of water to keep me company.

I have been running through this park for about 5 years and although I don't know all of the trails I definitely know a majority of them and it was fun to link up different routes to make one long run. At points where there was a choice between the low road and the high road I opted for the high, hillier route. I kept the pace moderately easy knowing that this run was going to be more of a marathon than a sprint and I didn't want to blow it to early.

I felt good from the start and was enjoying the rocky, roller coaster like trails that dominate the sides of the valley. I was soaked with sweat and by the time I reached the Valley Green restaurant where I refilled my bottle and kept going. The northwest portion of the park is more rugged with steeper longer hills but I really was enjoying the challenge.

When I run Forbidden Drive to Bells Mill it normally takes me about 45 minutes to cover the 6 miles. On the trails it took 72 minutes due to the hills and the additional distance due to the winding trail. This run was going to be longer than I imagined when I left the house.

I crossed the creek and I started heading back, again opting for the hills when I had the chance. I was really tiring by this point and slowed things down. Whew, my ass was kicked by the time I got back to Valley Green. There was a small wedding in progress and I stopped for a breather and to watch a little. In my opinion it is a beautiful spot to get married.

Even if I kept up a good pace on Forbidden Drive from here to home I knew the run was going to go over 2 hours so I decided to avoid the trails for the last portion of the run. Surprisingly I ran strong the last few miles and got home in 2 hours and 2 minutes. My longest run by the clock since Boston, and probably my longest by distance as well but it's hard to gauge on these runs. I made a rough estimate using google maps of the route but I can't really capture all the turns. I'll just call it 15+. The furthest trail run I have done.

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