Saturday, March 05, 2011

Didn't realize that I haven't posted in almost a month. Crazy how time accelerates when you have an 18 month old. With another on the way I can only imagine how quickly the next several years are going to pass.

I have been running, not as much as I would like but I'll take what I can get. I know I could squeeze in a few more runs than I have been doing, maybe when the weather gets nicer. Last night was 6 miles out to Phinney Ridge. This has become my favorite route when a 5-7 miler is planned. At night the midway turn-around point offers some great views of Ballard. I imagine I can even pick out my house among the myriad of twinkling lights but there is no way to know.

My running routes could be changing by the end of the year. Tomorrow, Heather and I are putting a bid on a piece of land in the Magnolia section of Seattle. It is a small neighborhood tucked in between Discovery Park and the Kiwanis Ravine, which is part open space and part heron rookery. Unfortunately the heron rookery status means we can't build Feb through July because we will disturb the nesting birds. So even if we get the lot we won't have house until late fall.

Having a new house, twice the size of the cubbyholes we lived in over the past several years will obviously be great but also from a running perspective it is an upgrade. Discovery park has several miles of trail running, including a light house, a rocky beach and awesome views of the Puget Sound and Olympic mountains.

1 comment:

Jah said...

wow Johnny what a big post - new baby on the way, new house and new running turf? This is big man, congratulations!