Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Run and a Bike

Tuesday night was 5 with the group. I planned on running it at 7:30 pace and this week I actually stuck to my goal. Most of the way was run with Bike Mike, who is back after a hiatus during the winter to work on his biking. He definitely has not lost a step. 5 miles in 38 minutes

Wednesday night I went out on my bike, down MLK and then the path exstension to Spruce Street. I cut across the city on Pine St, racing from light to light with the traffic. For some reason I really enjoy dodging the traffic and speeding to the next light. Ended up at Penn's Landing and then a return trip up Arch to the Parkway and Kelly Drive. 18.5 miles

After a bike ride I find myself a little less achey when I hop out of bed the following morning. This achiness has come up over the last few months either due to the steady mileage, getting a little older, or maybe a mixture of both.

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