Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Minds Playing Tricks On Me

Wednesday night Heather joined me for a couple miles and then turned back as I continued up Forbidden Drive in Wissahickon park. The first couple with her were slow so I decided to pick it up the last 1.5 miles to the Valley Green turn around. I hammered it out in just under 6:00 pace and I felt pretty good. I took a drink at the water fountain and a runner I had passed on the way there stopped a minute later.

He asked how fast was I going because I blew by him. I have to admit my ego was stoked a bit as I said a little under 6:00 pace. It was only an interval, I said, not something I run routinely. It really is amazing how realtive running is. That pace through the park to him is flying, to me is quick, to some other people in Philly Runners is routine, and to Geb is recovery.

I pushed myself on the trails for the return trip, 9 or so mile in 68 minutes. A decent pace that left my legs surprisingly tight that evening and this morning.

Things had loosened up by the time I got home from work and headed out for an hour run with no route in mind. It ended up being Main Street to Umbria, Shawmont Hill to Ridge and then home. I had to tack on a tiny extra loop at the end to finish at exactly an hour.

I was surprised after G-mapping it and finding my pace to be 8:06. I could of sworn I was moving faster than that. I think it is fatigue and heat playing tricks on me mind. Not so fast but i felt good despite the heat. Looking forward to a break in the weather this weekend.

The title reminds me of a"Ghetto Boys" song from the early 90's. Haven't heard that one in a long time.

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