Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wed - 6.5 easy miles with Heather on the trails in the Wissahickon. 58 minutes.

Thurs - 10.5 not so easy miles on the trails in the Wissahickon. This one started slowly, my legs took a couple miles to wake up, but then everything fell into place. I took a hilly route that had me dripping with sweat as I sucked down some water at Valley Green. I waved hi to a few Wissahickon Wanderers that were gathering for their Thursday evening runs and then took it to Buck Hill.

I've mentioned the torture of this hill before in this blog. I took it slow from the start and it only felt like tempo pace by the time I reached the top. The toughest thing about this hill is that you can't ever see more than 10-20 yards ahead. With every turn you expect to see the crest but the steep hill just continues.

On the way back home I passed a mountain biker on a unicycle. A little unicycle with big fat mountain bike tire. He was ascending a tricky hill and it looked like a cross between biking and pogo sticking as he bounced and pedaled his way to the top. I mentioned that he was crazy and wished him luck as I passed by. Suddenly I was wondering what going downhill on that thing would be like... 10.5+ miles in 80 minutes.

Saturday - It was a morning that makes up for all the hot sweaty days over the summer. Cool, dry, sunny, breezy, just about perfect for a 20 miler but of course I am on a recovery week and the plan only called for 14.

Into the Wissahickon yet again on a trip to the top and a little beyond to get in all the miles. Tom Haxton, a local speedster, passed me on what must have been a very easy run because he was only slowly pulling away and was in my sights for a couple miles. I was tempted pick up the pace and try to start a conversation just to get a feel for what his training was like and pass some time. My iPod was in the middle of a good block of songs and decided to keep the pace a little slower. A good run from start to finish. 1hr 45 minutes.

This week wraps up the month of August. A great month from a running perspective. 230 miles, marathon training is finally on track and going well, a mile PR, and some confidence going into the next phase of training which looks to be quite challenging.

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