Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Thinking of moving back here. Been logging at several different sites but always somewhat nostalgic for the old blog and how much history I have logged here. Seems a waste to just let lie as a dead web-page, like an abandoned pet. The truth is I don't log that much running or working out these days but the fire to do is definitely still there.

I completed a half marathon a couple weeks back and its like "Now What?" Maybe I'll just surf the couch into an over-weight middle age. It always seems I have the best intentions on nights like tonight and then everything gets in the way, then blog and often workouts fall by the way side too. Been kicking around the idea of turning my back yard into a bare bones crossfit gym. Buying only the bare essentials and then finding or building everything else. Large rocks, homemade medicine balls a pull-up bar made of pipe.... whatever I can locate, steal, or "borrow". Throw together nasty workouts with all that crap and still run 40 miles a week, delay the aging process, be the fittest dad within 20 miles and swim across Lake Washington next summer. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

1 comment:

Lee said...

I think I just started laughing out loud. I had aspirations of making my garage a crossfit gym, but it's so freaking expensive. I made a few things (box jump, paralletes) but ultimately I don't trust the sturdiness or integrity of either. If I made my own pullup bar it would be an express ticket to the emergency room.

I haven't really been doing too many intense metcons. When I do the pain and soreness is always there.