Thursday, January 18, 2007

After being scolded for not wearing long pants to run in the freezing cold (or normal temps depending how you look at it) I got out the door for a trip to the Art Museum on Kelly Drive. I have to admit that I was shivering over the first mile or so but the rest of the way was warm and toasty with just a light sweat, exactly the temp I like to be. The lack of cold has thrown of my winter running gear and I was over dressing on a few runs, I think I have it figured out again.

I made it a point not to look at my watch the entire way and just run at what I felt was an easy pace. It was a night when my stride felt just right and I floated along and enjoyed the music on my iPod. Josh Rouse’s album “Subtitulo” was the perfect background for my relaxed mood.

I did a loop around the steps when I got to the Art Museum and started the return trip. Yelled at myself for speeding a few times on the return but within a couple miles of home my tired legs made any more yelling unnecessary. 10.7 miles in 81 minutes.

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