Saturday, January 27, 2007

Loop the Loop

I bagged my run on Friday night for no good reason other than I didn't really feel like it. By 10:00 I was regretting it but I was heading out the door then.

I am less focused in my marathon training this time around. I still feel like I am doing well overall and that my fitness is increasing I just don't really seem as into it. I can remember training for Chicago, it occupied a lot of my thoughts even when I wasn't running. Now I really just don't think about it so much. It's just something I am doing. Maybe it's beacuse I am often thinking about several other things that have gained importance and training just gets pushed to the back a little bit. I can't really decide if it is good thing or a bad thing.

Also, qualyfing for Boston had been a goal of mine for for a couple years. Boston seems sort of like the spoils and even though I want to do well, possibly going under 3 hours, it just isn't as important to me. I'll just keep putting in those miles and see how things go.

I headed out early on a cold Saturday morning to put in some of those miles today. I was shooting for 16. To me 16 miles really is the cross over into a long run from a kinda long run. I joined up with Jaime for the first 4 and we went up Kelly Drive at about 8:15 pace. The weather was cold but calm and I really felt good. We reached the Falls BBridge and she kept goingwhile I turned around to go back for the group run that I was leading this morning.

I ran back at a much quicker pace, somewhere in the 7:20's I was surprised by the turn out for the run on a cold morning, around 30 people, with 4 new people. After chatting for about 10 minutes we were off and I fell into pace with Ben and Kevin G. Things stayed relaxed soemwhere in the 7:45 range on the way out.

After crossing Falls Bridge I ran the length of Kelly Drive for the 3rd time this morning. Ugh. However, this time wasn't so bad, the conversation was flowing back and forth between Ben and I. With about 2 miles left Ben said I can't believe this is your second loop, and I thought "Holy Shit, your right, it is." I felt really good. In fact upon finishing I really didn't feel that bad at all. These long runs get easier and easier every marthon training cycle.

Anyhow, the last few miles were in the 7:20-7:30 pace range and I wrapped up 16.8 miles in 2hours and 7 minutes. My longest run since Chicago and it makes over 36 miles on the river this week. That is way to many.

Only one problem was with my calf on my right leg, I could feel it tighten as soon as I started the second loop and it was sore when I finished. It is very tight now and depending on how things feel tomorrow I may swim instead of run. It's always my damn calves.

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