Wednesday, January 24, 2007

For the third week in a row, the Tuesday night group run was just as fast as I hoped it would be. The weather was cold but comfortable, and the wind was much lighter than it had been the week before. I again got there early and did a little over 3 easy miles prior to the run. I really enjoy these early miles, it is like a warm-up before a race. I can take it easy and get myself ready for a hard 5 miles.

There was a large fast group this week with Ian, Stevus and Cole at the run. Having three guys there that you know are faster than you guarantees you’ll have some people to urge you along. As expected there wasn’t much a of a warm up and the first mile was in 6:29.

I tried to push a little harder in the second miles to get between 6:15 and 6:20. and over did it. Mile 2 came in at 6:08. I felt good though and tried to lay off the pace just a little bit so I would be able to hold up this tempo pace the entire way.

Mile 3 was in 6:12 and this included the turn around which always adds a few seconds. At this point Stevus and Ian pulled ahead a little ways and Cole had fallen off a little ways. I kept my eyes on the two in front and tried to keep the pace up over the fourth mile. Things were getting difficult and I really had to push to get a 6:16. I was right on track.

I eased off and ran a slow quarter mile to get my mojo back and then picked it up again for the last ¾ of a mile. The last mile was in 6:30. 5 miles in 31:37. Just 4 seconds slower then last week but I split the miles more evenly than I did a week before.

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