Friday, January 19, 2007

When I got home from work tonight I really wasn't in much of a mood to run. Usually I am looking forward to, or I am at least indifferent to, a run. Tonight was a "I don't feel like going out there" night. I know from experience my best bet is to get out the door as soon as possible, so that's what I did.

I ran a familiar route up through Roxborough, weaving my way among the neighborhoods and generally staying West of Ridge Avenue. It's a fairly steady up hill from my place until the turn around 4.5 miles in.

The way home is mostly downhill on Ridge Avenue and if I am having a good night this usually translates into some quick miles as I dodge cars and pedestrians on Ridge Avenue back towards my house. Tonight was a good night and I was flying down Ridge Avenue somewhere in the 6:30 pace range. The slight downhill makes this pace feel easier than it really should be and it is just fun.

What had started out as a "I don't feel like going out there" had turned into "I wish I had a few more miles to go".

Finished up with 8 miles in 56 minutes.

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