Friday, May 05, 2006

Down Two Days, Bring on Broad Street

What a time to get a damn cold. All winter long not even a sniffle and now in May, a head and chest cold. Wednesday and Thursday I laid low, tried to feel better with a lot of soup and and OJ. This morning I nearly called out of work but a shower usually will wash that urge out of me and it did today.

I did leave work a little early and I was feeling a bit better so I headed out for 5 today. It wasn't great and it wasn't bad, all seems to be in working order. Just a general tightness in my chest after the run. I have heard that a few miles can kick up the immune system and help clear a cold, I hope it's true.

I'll sleep in tomorrow and pray for the best. No matter how I feel there will be no half assing it at Broad Street. It's a race that has been on my mind since January and cold or not I am giving it all I got. Also, I am on my company's coporate team and based on last year's corporate team times we have a shot at first place. So it's time it's time to kick some ass, bring it on Broad Street.

Yes, this post was designed to try and boost my spirits. You know what... I think it worked.

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