Monday, May 01, 2006

Let the Mini Taper Begin

I guess I have become a lazy blogger lately. It always seems I am writing about 2 or maybe three runs each time I log on here. Today is no exception.

Friday night was 6 miles with Heather on Forbidden Drive. This has become a regular occurence lately and I think it is working well. The 6-10 miles I run with her a couple nights a week are always much slower than I would normally run by myself but fast enough that it is still a decent workout. They are easy days, but instead of me just calling them easy days and then running to fast, they actually are easier.

Saturday morning I made it to the 9:30 group run for the first time in a couple months. I was in a rush, rush, to get there and then of course got there in plenty of time to hear the announcements. I am kind of happy this run gets a late start, I would have missed it many times had it not.

Ian came rolling in just as we were heading out and I hooked up with him and a new PR named John for a little trip through Fairmont Park on the fire trails. Got all the way to the Chamoniuox Hostel and then headed back via Girard ave for about 9 miles in 65 minutes. The weather was perfect and I really felt good start to finsh despite some achey legs. 37 miels for the week. I was a little upset not to hit 40 miles for the week but not upset enough to run through a nasty Bachelor Party hangover Sunday afternoon.

I plan to taper this week before Broad Street. No runs over 6 miles and not over 20 miles total before Sunday. This morning I decided on my race plan. Go out at 6:00 pace and see how long I can hold on. If I am feeling good hopefully I can hold on the entire way and maybe squeak out a 59:59. If it is a bit much I'll slow down and still break my goal of under 1:02. At least thats the plan.

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