Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday with the Group

I swear this blogging makes me run more miles. I was going to run 5 with the group today but after reading Seebo's post about a 13 mile recovery run I felt I really should be running more. I am not complaining though, it is good thing. It's nice to draw some inspiration from others and hopefully even inspire someone else once in a while.

So I added a wopping 2.5 miles to the group run with an out and back on the lower schukill trail extension before the race. It was again a nice night for a run and the Tuesday group was brimming with new arrivals. Everyone was still in good spirits from Broad Street and pre-run chatter was centered around that.

I fell into an easy run with Alex, Jenn, and new Kevin who is doing some consulting work in Philly. We now have a consultant from Florida and Colorado, a few more and we might be able to start up our own firm.

A steady 7:30 pace out and back gave me 7.5 miles in 56 minutes. I am a little sore and tight but the run felt good and it definitely loosened me up.

Tomorrow I head out to Seattle and will probably miss a few posts. I hope to take in several scenic runs while I am out there. It should be a big change of pace from Kelly Drive.

1 comment:

seebo said...

Look forward to hearing about how your West Coast race went.

Glad that whatever I wrote kicked your ass forwards another few miles. Up your mileage and you will up your speed.

I guarantee it.