Friday, July 06, 2007

Birds and Bio

I won't detail my run last night. You can read about it here, here and here.

However, I will detail my close encounter with the sinister bird of prey that resides somewhere near the Girard Bridge on MLK Drive. I was running with Steve K, and we were deep in conversation about the flavor of quarks when suddenly Steve was violently attacked, a squawk, a flutter of wings and a scream. It all happened in an instant, I barely had time to react. Luckily, I was able to catch a photo of the attack with my camera phone. "THE ATTACK". I don't know why Steve was running in his army boots and camo. Maybe he has a secret desire to join the military.

I took I-76 home and after I went under the Girard bridge I saw a small bird attacking a large hawk and chasing it across the highway, away from the area where Steve was attacked. (This is not made up). I really wouldn't be surprised if this was the same ill-tempered bird. The run was around 8 miles in about an hour.

I had today off as part of "summer hours" at my work. 9 hour days and every other Friday off. I got out for a run around 10:00. An uneventful 6 miles on Kelly Drive except for passing Fast Elizabeth going the other way near St. Joe's boathouse. Elizabeth ran with group a lot in the past and I completed many long runs with her building up to the Philly Marathon in 2005. Hopefully we'll be seeing her with the group again in the future.

6 miles untimed. I forgot my watch.

In other news, it looks like it's back to school in September. I was excepted to the University of Pennsylvania in the Master of Biotechnology Program. This was my first choice among the colleges I applied to and I am ecstatic that I was actually able to get in. It's been over 9 years since I sat down for a class, I'm excited and nervous at the same time. This will take priority over marathon training, although I think I should be able to fit both in.


jim said...

Congrats on Penn!

Mike said...

Well, I guess reading about killer-attack-birds is better than reading about snipers. Sheesh, and I thought rattlesnakes were bad.