Monday, July 30, 2007

Catching Up

As planned I took most of last week off from running. Instead I became Lee's unofficial Ironman training partner and joined him for a few workouts.

Monday - Off

Tuesday - In the pool for nearly a mile. It was wet, cool, there was a lot of water around and I continued to go back and forth for about an 45 minutes. Swimming always makes me feel great the rest of the evening.

Wednesday - Off

Thursday - 22 Miles on the bike with Lee. We did a looping route through Fairmount Park before heading down the bloody nipple and then down MLK and back home on Kelly Drive.

Friday - Another trip to the pool with more of the same. I did work in some 100m repeats, something I couldn't have dreamed of doing a couple months ago. They kick your ass but break up the monotony of swimming and they make the slower laps feel that much easier.

Saturday - My foot started feeling better and getting loose on Thursday. I continued icing and as planned went for my first run on Saturday. I was at my parents place in New Jersey, I decided to do a few loops of their housing development and stay close to home to make for an easy walk if I needed to stop.

Each loop took around 6:30 and I am guessing that they were about 0.85 miles. 4 loops = 3.4 miles in 26 minutes. It was hot and there was no shade so I was sweating horribly but my foot felt decent. Tight but no pain. I iced it after a shower and stayed optimistic.

Sunday - I made a stop and Philly Runner and picked up a new pair of sneakers, Saucony Riders, or something like that. They are supposed to have a little more arch support as compared to my Asics. After running in one type of sneaker for so long I was nervous about switching but change can be good.

In the evening I went out for 5 miles in the Wissahickon on Forbidden Drive. The new shoes felt different but good and I tacked on an extra 3/4 miles at the end of the run. 5.75 in 43 minutes.

My foot feels decent this morning. I stay a little light on the miles this week in prep for the River to Sea Relay this week but hopefully I can work right into marathon training starting next week.

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