Thursday, July 12, 2007

I met Raymond for a run in Wissahickon Park last night A rainstorm rolled through just before we started and it changed what had been a very humid afternoon into a ridiculously humid afternoon. It's not an exageration to say that it was like running in your bathroom after a long hot shower, there was even a mist hanging in the air.

We kept the pace easy as we made our way to the Northwest end of Forbidden Drive and back. The pace felt faster than it actually was and I think this was due to the workout in the morning. It became even more pronounced as we made our way up an easy hill to the finish, my legs were dead. I cooled off afterward and had to wring out my shirt and shorts before getting in the car. I am happy that this weather breaks today.

I am looking at my calendar at work and I just realized that I signed up to give blood at 9:45 this morning. Is it wrong for me to ditch the appointment just so I can run tonight?

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