Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I went out for four easy miles with Boomer yesterday. I decided to hop the trails in the Wissahickon and midway down a long hill I gave my left foot a nasty twist. It hurt at first but subsided and I didn’t notice it the rest of the run. It tightened up in the evening and this morning it was hurting enough to make me skip my run today. It is on the outside in the middle of my left foot.

The good news is that there is no obvious swelling and it seems to loosen up and feel better when I walk on it for a few minutes. It’s also not sore to the touch. I definitely subscribe to the ounce of prevention is a pound of cure when it comes to running injuries so I’ll lay off it and see how it feels tomorrow. A day or two off isn’t going to kill me, there is snow falling anyhow. The frustrating part is that I’ve twisted my ankle countless times running these trails and it often seems severe at the time of the twist but turns into nothing the next day. Hopefully this turns into nothing in two or three days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, feel better. A day or two off won't just not kill you, it might even make you stronger for the big training month ahead.