Sunday, February 22, 2009

A cold rain greeted me this morning on my long run. Thankfully it was light and it ended a few miles in. I took a loop down to Manayunk past my old house and then back up to Chestnut Hill on Forbidden Drive. On the first step I could feel my left calf tighten up but I shook it out a bit and took it real easy on the first couple miles until it loosened up. My legs were tired from the race but still felt strong, if that makes any sense.

Forbidden Drive didn't look icy but it definitely was slippery. Almost like a muddy ice that was hard to see and kept me on my toes. I expected my energy to wane as the run progressed but it just never happened. In fact, I decided to take the long hill up Germantown Avenue from Northwestern Avenue at the end of my run. I wasn't pushing up the hill but kept a consistent pace.

16.2 uneventful miles in 2:04.

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