Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Confidence in my running has been lacking over the past week or so. The marathon is a approaching and in my mind my workouts aren't going well. Add to that the missed race on Saturday and in it's place a horrible long run. My legs were beat up after that and I still ran a little to hard and a little to far the following day. Then today I headed to the track. I knew I wasn't fully recovered from the long run over the weekend but I had the time this evening and decided to go to the track anyway. Of course the workout didn't well. It paled in comparison to an identical workout I did six weeks back.

When I got home from the track I logged in my run and and compared it to previous workouts and it wasn't so fast. I then began to compare my training in the days leading up to the track workouts. It was obvious why this workout went bad compared to other workouts. It was also obvious that my training has been going really well and my shortsited memory has me worked up for no good reason. I haven't gotten to the track as much as I would like for a few reasons but there is plenty of speedwork sprinkled into my running over the past 10 weeks. The mileage has been decent and there are more then enough good workouts to go with the bad. I am just focusing on the bad.

It's funny how your mind can get to you. This marathon means more than the last couple. I want to nail this three hour thing. I think about it every day. At Boston it didn't matter. I went for it but it was Boston and I didn't really care. At Philly in 2007 I knew my training wasn't adequate and I would have been pulling a rabbit out of the hat. This time I don't want any excuses. Just me, my training, and 26.2 miles of roads around D.C.

After reviewing my training I came back to reality. Today's workout was not a total calamity and overall things are good. I think I just need a little break from the routine and recharge for the final 5 week push to the race. There are three good weeks of traning to go before taper and I just have to relax and get things done. I do that and I'll know I've set my self up to hit my goal.

The good news is that I have a break coming up this weekend, a five day trip to St. Thomas. I should only miss three days of running and that is if I don't run down there. I'll bring the running shoes and maybe put in a couple easy 5-7 milers but that will be it. If I don't run, I'm not going to sweat it.

The workout, just to log it..
2.4 mile warmup then the following intervals with 400 recovery in two minute range.
400 - 1:23
800 - 2:50
1200 - 4:20
1200 - 4:26
800 - 3:00
400 - 1:23

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