Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I’m back, tanner, happier and well rested after a short trip. Heather and I relaxed on the beach, snorkeled, went sailing, and slept anywhere from 8-10 hours each night. I didn’t log a mile but I didn’t really care.

Before we flew out on Friday morning I was able to squeeze in 5 easy miles, I felt slow and sluggish.

We got home at 9:00 last night and I made a point to get out for a ½ hour just to get back into it. When I was getting into my running clothes I smelled like the beach I had rolled off of seven hours before, it made me sad. Somehow getting out the door last night for a short run (3.6 miles in 28 minutes) made getting up this morning for a longer run much easier.

I missed a long run over the weekend and at least 30 miles of running so I wanted to get a workout done this morning. I jumped into a tempo workout after a 1.5-mile warmup and ran the next 5.2 somewhat hilly miles at what I believed was tempo pace, which turned out to be 6:20 pace when I got home. I was definitely working but felt fairly comfortable until the last ½ mile. I was hoping for a slightly faster average pace but overall it was good workout.

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