Thursday, February 05, 2009

The coldest run of the winter (so far and hopefully overall) this morning. My thermometer read 10 degrees. Normally this would cause me to roll over in bed and push the run off until this evening but I won’t have time this evening so it was either get up or DNR. I bundled up and headed out.

The first 1.5 miles on my loop are into the wind. It is nice knowing that once I get through that the rest will be relatively warm. So I dealt with a numb face for 10 minutes and then enjoyed the rest of the run. Mostly easy pace with some strides thrown in when the street conditions allowed. 8.1 miles in 63 minutes.

I am racing a 5K this weekend all the way out in West Chester. It will be my first race in a few months and I am not sure what to expect. I have been logging a lot of miles but I missed several hard speed workouts due to the snow. This race will be a good test to see where I’m at. If the race is flat, calm and snow free I hope to get under 18:00 minutes. If I run a 17:59 I’ll be happy, if I run a 17:50 I’l. be ecstatic, if I run a PR, 17:44 or better I will kiss the street. If it is hilly than all bets are off.

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