Tuesday, February 14, 2006

6, Maybe 8, Nah 10.

I felt like going for a run last night like I wanted a hole in my head. By the time I got home from work and was ready to run it was after 6:30 and I seriously debated just turning on the TV and vegging out. Snow and ice were all over the ground I wasn't even sure if I was going to have a clear path to run. However, I am not running today and I didn't run on Sunday so I would be staring at a big fat 3 days in a row without a run. Blizzard or no Blizzard three days in a row is just too much.

I decided to run Kelly drive because I heard that it was clear and as long as I could get to it I would be fine. I stuck to the shoveled sidewalks in my neighborhood and besides a 1/4 mile of unplowed sidewalk at the start of the drive everything else was pretty good. I took a very slow pace to start and just tried to get into the run which actualy wasn't to difficult. I had a great new album by Beth Orton on my iPod, the moon was full over the trees, the night was cold but the winds were calm and I quickly started to enjoy it.

I originally had planned on 8 miles but when I hit the unshoveled portion and my ankles started to hurt from the horribly uneven footing I decided on 6 miles. As I approached the 6 mile turn around I was feeling great and decided to press on for 8. When I reached the 8 mile turn around I thought what the hell, 1 more mile, and headed all the way to the Art Museum for 10.5 miles in 88 minutes. Kind of funny that a run I was dreading actually turned into 10.5 miles. It just shows what great music and an easy pace can do.

I only passed a few people on the run but when you are out on a night like last night where the conditions aren't the best and most people think your insane for even being out there you really feel more of a companionship with the runners that have made it out. You get a smile or a nod from every runner you pass.

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