Saturday, February 18, 2006

Frostbite Five Miler

I arrived in the little town of Ambler a few miles outside of Philly at 8:00. It was cold, a little windy and overcast, not the best racing conditions but appropriate for a race with frostbite in the title. Going into the local gym to grab my number I ran into a few people I work with now and a former co-worker that were also running the race. We stayed indoors and made small talk. I found out that the former co-worker is shooting for a 2:30 in Boston. WOW. He ran a 2:40 at a flat course on 45 miles a week last year but a 2:30 just seems like a huge jump in one year especially at Boston. Anyhow, a few of us warmed up for a couple miles and then lined up at the start.

We were honored by the presence of Amy Freeze, a local meterologist, to start the race. I am not sure but from what I could gather through the horrible P.A. system ( I think it actually worked to quiet instead of amplify your voice) she lives in the area. She yelled ready, set, go and off we went.

I was confident I could break 32 minutes and if I really got lucky maybe 31. The first mile was fairly easy with a couple rolling hills and it went buy in 6:09, right about where I wanted to be. The next mile again had a few hills and the pack started to thin out. I ran a 6:15, still right on track but just a bit slower. Between miles 2&3 I was by myself and the course turned through a park which had a gravel/mud path, I lost some time and hit a 6:34. I was a little nervous that the miles were going to progessively get slower and I was going to miss 32 minutes. However, we were back on the road for for the remainder of the race and a couple guys passed me right after marker 3. It spurred me on a bit and I quickened my pace to keep up. I hammered it up a hill passing the two guys right before mile marker 4 but I paid for it at the top and they regained the lead not long after. Mile 4 went by in 6:17 and I was feeling good. The remainder of the course was generally downhill and I came across the line in 31:14 for a 6:02 mile, my fastest. I never did catch those two guys but I finished strong. I love ending a race with my fastest mile being the last mile.

I was happy with the time although I really was hoping to break 31 minutes. More miles and more speedwork and I should be good for several spring races on my calendar.

Next week is the Ugly Mudder. I am excited and nervous about this one.

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