Friday, February 03, 2006

Running through Root Canal.

I had root canal at 3:00 and I really wasn't to sure if I was going to be able to make it out for a run. Thankfully a root canal is much more pleasant than I expected and there really wasn't any pain during or after the procedure so off I went.

I had no route in mind when I walked out the door, I just knew I wanted to run over 6 miles, around 50 minutes. These unplanned runs are often my favorite, I get to wander up and down the streets of Manayunk, looking for new streets and new sets of stairs that connect the streets in my hilly neighborhood. On these runs I tend to keep an easy pace, look at my surroundings and enjoy my iPod. Last night it was Mason Jennings, then the Long Beach Dub All-Starts keeping me company on my run.

I headed down to main street followed that through to Leverington, wound my up to Silverwood, Terrace, cut through the Manayunk Apts. then out Pechin and back on Ridge for 6.5 miles in 51 minutes. It was cool but comfortable and I enjopyed the run much more than I thought I should after running 10 miles on Tuesaday and speed workout on Wednesday night.

My running has felt really strong lately, my legs always seem fresh.

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