Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Weekend

I was in front of the Art Museum at 9:30 to join the Philly Runners for a trip around the drives. I can remember this 9:30 am time being a challenge when I first joined the group. Getting a little older, working earlier in the morning, and getting up for a lot of 8:00 am runs, has made this time feel like sleeping in.

It was a smaller group of fairly quick runners and I started off with Jenn, Stevus and Seebo. We fell into a 7:40 pace and and made our way up MLK on a sunny 40 degree morning. Things felt easy and relaxed, I enjoyed the run and the company.

After a quick pit-stop I fell into pace with the slightly slower 7:42 pace group which consisted of the remainder of the group. Marathon conversation, both past and future, dominated the rest of the run. The pace had increased to about 7:30 by the time we finished, a good run. 8.4 miles in 64 minutes.

Today Heather and I went for a late afternoon run on the trails in the Wissahickon Park. The weather was cool, clear, and crisp. 50% of the leaves were on the trees and the rest were under our feet. A perfect fall run. After get a little mix up on some re-routed trails we found our way and finished around 5.5 miles in 48 minutes.

31.5 miles for the week. I didn't work or plan at all to get 30 miles and it seems like this is my default mileage. Since this is the case I think I should up my mileage goals for the remainder of the year. Instead of 30-35 I am going shoot for over 40 a week. I'll be happy with 40.1.

I have also been re-reading portions of the "Daniels Running Formula". It has given me a clearer picture of what I need to do on the track and in my tempo workouts. Now, the key part, is to put it into practice and see what happens.

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