Monday, January 14, 2008

Looking back at my last post I realize that mentioned getting up Monday morning to run. It didn't happen, not because I couldn't get myself out of bed but because on Sunday night I didn't even plan on running this morning. The weather was bad, I ran hard Sunday night, and I can feel a cold coming on so I decided not to.

So, this weekend.

Friday night was a trip to the pool where Heather and I put in about a mile. Heather has the ability to count every lap and never lose track doing the workout. I don't. Soon after I start I've lost count... was that # 8 or # 9??? I decided to stop worrying about and just swim for a time period. Friday night was 30 minutes.

Saturday I joined fellow bloggers Seebo and Tom for a trip through West Philly and Delaware County. I was looking forward to the run Friday evening. It was break from the drives and onto routes I've never run before, it was also a chance to run with Seebo and meet Tom, a runner in the area close to my age but a good bit faster.

Tom and I had no idea where we were going so we just followed Seebo along a 10 mile loop that took us past the 400 yr old Sycamore that Seebo often mentions, it was was impressive as he's suggested. The weather was beautiful, the pace stayed easy and I enjoyed. Before I knew it we were wrapping up and I was wishing we still had a few more to go. 10 miles in 80 minutes

Instead I hurried home, showered and hustled up to Chestnut Hill with Heather to sign the lease on a small house that Heather and I will be renting, starting Feb 1st. We had an interested buyer for our current house and we decided to sell it it while the deal was good. So we move from a 2000 sq ft house with a big back and side yard to a 950 sq ft row home (or what is now commonly refereed to as a townhome because it sounds much nicer) with a small backyard. It is however a nice little place that cuts my work commute in half to about 15 minutes. It is also within walking distance to a number of stores and a nice park for the dog. Heather and I didn't have near enough stuff to fill our old house anyhow and I think this one will work well.

In keeping with the theme of this blog: How will this move effect my running? I'll be further from the Art Museum and group runs but I'll definitely still get down there for long runs, although maybe not as frequently for Tuesday nights. The Wissahickon Park was 1/2 block from my old home and now it will be more like 1/2 mile. Still close and it will give me chance to explore the upper portion of the park a little more. I won't be able to easily hop on Kelly Drive for evening runs in the winter. A route I often complain about because I run there so much but, it is lit, there are no intersections, and it is plowed when it snows. I think I'll miss the convenience of having it so close but it is still only a 15 minute drive away. I'm looking forward to the move.

Back to running. Sunday afternoon I took a trip up to Valley Green on Forbidden Drive. I ran hard because it felt good and I wanted to be out of the park before it got dark. The first 4 miles went by in 26 minutes, somewhere between tempo and marathon pace. The return trip was a little longer and I finished up the 8 miles in 54, for my quickest run in over a month.

For the week, just over 42 miles in 5 workouts and a swim. It continues the trend of increasing mileage, although very slightly.

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