Friday, January 11, 2008

Waking Thoughts

Heather dragged me out the door last night despite my whining about being hungry and we took a trip out and back on Kelly Drive. I'm getting tired of Kelly Drive. However, Heather likes it so that is where we ended up. We took a trip to the John Kelly Statue, famed Philadelphian rower, and the reason they call it Kelly Drive. Pace was in the 8:30 range and we finished about 6.5 miles in 52 minutes.

My best bedtime intentions have been thwarted all week by my mind tricks in the early morning. Heather gets up at 5:45 and you would think that I'd be able to drag myself out of bed at the same time to head for a run but it just isn't working. Every morning I am able to run through a list of excuses to stay under the covers. Its raining... I'll have plenty of time this evening to run... I can tell by the way my legs are feeling that it is going to be a bad run. (As if the way my legs feel during a mental check in bed has any relation to how they would feel after a mile warm-up). I was hoping to run at least three mornings a week. I figured that I'd often end up running or swimming with Heather in the evening anyhow and I'd pull a double a couple times a week.

I hope writing about it will add a little mental weight to the "Get out of bed!" side of the scale and on Monday, I'll actually be able to get up.

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