Friday, April 07, 2006

From Track to Trail

I originally had planned on meeting up with a few PR's at Franklin Field to put in a track workout but then decided against it. I have ramped up to 45 miles the last couple weeks and added a decent tempo run to the mix. I think another track workout a couple days after tempo might have been asking for trouble. Definitely don't want to risk an injury. If I am going to add a track workout I can wait a week or two and let myself adjust to what I've already added. Also, I have this small spot on my left foot right behind the pig that went to market. I am not sure what it is but I know it was very aggravated from the tempo run on Tuesday and I iced it that night. It seems to be fine now by why push it.

So I ended up with 8 miles on the very forgiving path in Wissahickon Park. Heather and I cruised out to Valley Green and back in 66 minutes.

I head up to a house in the Pocono's this weekend to hang out with friends. Hopefully I can get a couple good runs in up there. Usually I end up bagging runs on weekends like this but maybe not this time.

1 comment:

ian said...

Probably smart to skip the track after Tuesday. There's an old adage about not adding mileage and speed at the same time.
Have fun in the Poconos and see you next week...