Monday, April 10, 2006

Sunny Sunday

I didn't end up running in the Pocono's but really how can you go running when it is snowing, you have a 100 degree hot tub, and a case of cold Sierra Nevada Pale Ale?

Sunday I was home by early afternoon and after a few things around the house and a lot of water I was ready for a run through the Wissahickon. So again Heather and I set off on Forbidden drive. Instead of turning around at the covered bridge we took the path to it's end at Northwest Avenue. The day was beautiful, a light breeze and about 60 degrees in the park. Everything was in bloom and there were people everywhere enjoying a perfect spring Sunday.

We ran 12 and walked the last mile back to the 100 steps. Total running time about 96 minutes.

I just eaked out 40 miles again this week, that makes three in a row. This week, hopefully more of the same and a 5K race on Saturday. I smell a PR. I PR'd in my last 5K, the Jingle Bell Run, in December and that was with a stop to fix a shoe that came untied. As long as I double knot I think I should be good.

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