Monday, April 03, 2006

I Don't Feel Like Running...

Yesterday afternoon I was a bit hungover and tired. I had a large breakfast at the diner and just did some yardwork. Any intention I had of running was slowly withering as the day progressed to the point where I had decided it was a no go around 5:00. Then I called Heather on the phone and she was in the mood to run. I couldn't be a whiner so I decided to head out for a "few miles" as she called it. I only needed three more miles to break 40 for the week and it was beautiful out (really about as nice as it can possibly get) so I said OK.

3 miles turned into 8 or so on Fornidden drive as we headed out to the Valley Green Restaurant and back. For the second day a very relaxed 8:10 to 8:30 pace and we just soaked up the weather and the chat.

The run put me over 45 miles for the week, the miles just seems to be piling up lately. It also makes me realize that I can put in way more mileage for marathon training. 45-50 miles were my peak mileage weeks for the marathon last year. Now that distance seems woefully inadequate to train for a marathon. Hopefully I keep this opinion of distance through the year.

Today I again really didn't feel like running when I got home from work. However, a cup of coffee and a few articles from Runner's World magazine got my energy and my spirits up to put in a few miles.

I decided to keep it short and hit a loop through Manayunk. At 1.5 miles I was at 10 minutes and realized I was really cruising. In my head I wanted to slow down but that didn't happen. I found myself charging up the final hill to my house so I could finish in under 28 minutes. I just missed it 28:00:98. That still is 7:00 minute pace for a fairly hilly route that included a drawn out set of steps and I really wasn't pushing to much. Good.

This is 10 days of workouts in a row for me, definitely my longest to date. I have no plans of starting a streak, strek or even a strk but it does feel good to hit double digits.

1 comment:

seebo said...

Two observations:

Increasing your miles (at any speed) is the best way to bring your race times down.

The weekly miles you put in for marathon training will always seem inadequate. No matter how many miles you do.
